Taking advantage of gig-speed may require businesses to acquire faster routers and other on-premises network equipment. (Spectrum Business Internet Gig customers receive the routers and other equipment needed to support it.)
“While this could cost some upgrade dollars, the returns on these investments will be high,” Andriole says. And many SMBs may already be gig-ready without additional investments, he adds.
That said, not every business today needs gig-speed internet. Those that don’t need to connect a large array or number of devices to the network beyond laptops or a point-of-sale system, or that aren’t regularly downloading, say, large video files, will probably find an internet connection with at least 200 Mbps will provide the bandwidth they need.
However, in the future, gigabit internet is likely to become commonplace among businesses of all sizes—and will become a major competitive necessity. While less time spent downloading large files may be the most obvious business benefit compared to current technology, that’s just the beginning.
Adds Andriole: “Gig-speed is a passport to all kinds of business opportunities.”
Spectrum Business Internet Gig is available in many areas and can provide businesses with our fastest download speeds—at one competitive low price. Find out about availability in your area and learn more by calling 855-299-9353.