Shop the Best Internet for Streaming
Spectrum Internet® is available with speeds up to 1 Gig. Find out how fast you can go!
Save on Internet When You Bundle
Unlock the best value when you combine Mobile or TV with Spectrum Internet®.
Fast Streaming Speeds for All Your Devices
Choose Spectrum for all the speed you need to stream music, TV, podcasts, movies and more. Get tons of bandwidth to support multiple devices. Access a reliable WiFi connection for streaming and save on data when you pair Spectrum Internet with Spectrum Mobile®. Get even more bandwidth with an Internet Gig plan.
Recommended Internet Speed
You’ll need at least 4-8 Mbps of Internet speed to watch pre-recorded shows and movies, and 10 Mbps or more to stream live TV. 4K streaming requires speeds around 20 Mbps per user. For instance, if three people in your home are streaming 4K video, you’ll want a minimum Internet connection of 60 Mbps.
Best Internet Speed for Streaming Music, Podcasts and Radio
Sometimes you need high-energy tunes to finish that late-night project. Spectrum Internet is a perfect fit with all popular music streaming services, including:
- Spotify
- Pandora
- Google Play
- Apple Music
- YouTube Music and more
If you’re looking for crystal-clear audio, we recommend a minimum Internet speed of 5 Mbps per user.
Can’t wait to catch up on the latest episodes of your favorite podcasts or stream your favorite Internet radio station? We recommend Internet speeds of at least 1.5 Mbps for the best audio quality.
Best Internet for Streaming Movies and TV
Get Spectrum TV® to stream all your favorite shows and movies on any of your devices. Includes free access to the Spectrum TV App, so you can binge on great entertainment at home or on-the go. Watch live TV or select from thousands of On Demand choices.
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