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Spectrum Mobile By the Gig Data Plans

  • Share data with up to 10 lines
  • 5G access included with no extra fee
  • Mix and match plans or upgrade at any time
  • $5/GB after the first GB
first GB per additional line

Spectrum Internet® required.

It’s Easy to Get Started

  • Step 1: Sign up for Spectrum Internet – Spectrum Mobile is available exclusively to Spectrum Internet customers.
  • Step 2: Shop for a new device or bring your own.
  • Step 3: Customize your plan by mixing and matching data plans to suit your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a shared data plan?

In a shared data plan like By the Gig, each line starts with 1 GB for $20/mo. Each additional GB is $5. Additional GBs of data are shared between all By the Gig lines on the account and are accrued by the GB. Once a full GB has been used, another is automatically added to the account.

How do I check my data usage?

You can see your data usage on your Spectrum Mobile online account or through the My Spectrum app. Select the “Activity” tab to view your data usage details.

How can I use at-home and out-of-home WiFi to keep my cellular data usage low?

Connect your phone to your home’s WiFi to use Spectrum Internet instead of cellular data. If you are not at home, you will be seamlessly connected to Spectrum Mobile’s out-of-home WiFi. Learn how you can save on mobile data with WiFi calling.

How is data usage calculated?

Data usage accrues by full, single gigabytes.

What if I go over my data usage?

After you use a full gigabyte, another is added directly to your account for an additional $5. If you are concerned about your data usage, you can switch to Unlimited at any time through the My Spectrum app. Find out how much mobile data you need to fit your budget and lifestyle.

Can I share data with someone on my plan who has Unlimited?

No, data sharing is limited to By the Gig plans on an account.

Restrictions Apply

Mobile Offer Details