Spectrum is proud to partner with the New York City Office of Technology and Innovation to deliver free Internet and Broadcast Basic TV to residents at participating NYCHA properties through the Big Apple Connect program.
If you do not have a Spectrum account, you can order Big Apple Connect services here or call 866.960.1754.
If you have a Spectrum account, Big Apple Connect services will automatically be added to your account and your bill will be adjusted within one billing cycle. If you have questions, call 866.960.1754.
Spectrum is proud to partner with The New York City Office of Technology and Innovation to provide high-speed Internet and TV to NYCHA residents at no charge. Participants will be provided with 400 Mbps Internet, Basic TV service, including equipment, and installation.
All residents who reside in eligible NYCHA properties serviced by Spectrum can participate in this program. Each unit may sign up for one NYC-funded resident account through Big Apple Connect.
This program will provide high-speed Internet and TV to you at no charge. You can cancel your contract with your current provider and set up a free Spectrum Internet and TV account, which will last a minimum of 3 years.
Enrollment is simple, there are no forms to complete or income requirements to be met.
Call 866.960.1754 to speak with a representative and order your equipment.
You’ll only need to provide your name, phone number, and service address.
Each unit is eligible for only one NYC-funded resident account with Spectrum.
The partnership with New York City will last for three years beginning September 2022, after which the city may extend the program on a yearly basis.
Residents with past due balances or previous account delinquency with Spectrum may still enroll in Big Apple Connect.
Current Spectrum customers who convert their services to Big Apple Connect will see the adjustment to their account within one billing cycle.
No, Big Apple Connect has not impact on the Lifeline subsidy program.